Parent Power Blog – And they’re off…


I thought I would start a little blog for parents, from a parent and Nursery-Nurse who might have some useful little parenting insights or just funny stories to impart. LOL


Christmas is over and a new year with the kids usually starts with a bang for me.  I feel like I am standing on the starting line of a racecourse with pistol in hand ready to fire it in the air and yell “And we’re off…and working Mum is first out of the gate with briefcase in hand.  She makes a dash for the first hurdle – childcare – and she safely negotiates that one with a nursery place booked and school clubs ready to go!  The Nanny is signed and there she goes with a happy smile and motivation in abundance.  Next out of the starting block is dazed Dad.  Oh dear he’s already stumbled as he mistakenly glances back at the Christmas bill and has a slight panic attack, but he recovers quickly and trots off to his first hurdle – overtime!  How is he going to handle that one when his partner working mum is busy too?  And phew!  He negotiates some home working and rescheduling and he’s back on course.

Is this how the new year feels to you?  LOL My tips –


2. If you have a partner, talk to them about how you are going to cope with all the different parenting and household things that need to be organised – if you are a single parent – find someone else to talk to about it, a parent, sibling, friend.  Don’t get stressed about it all, make lists, prioritize and remember – you are not alone!  Parents all over the place are going through the same thing.  You can do it.  Just remember to breathe, write down what you are doing well and what you need help with and then get help.  You don’t have to do it alone.  Unlike my silly little moment above, parenting isn’t a race or a competition and it shouldn’t make you stressed.  You shouldn’t have to do everything yourself – there is no need for you to be Super Mum or Super Dad.  Believe me, if you try to be your super parenting powers will get drained very, very quickly.

3. Don’t take it out on the children (or the cat!).  This might sound obvious but I know how it is when you are stressing about the Christmas bill and now you have to find all the other bills, put food on the table, work, keep the kids clean, fed and entertained – and here they are in your ear – “Mum can I have a new lunchbox?”  “Dad can you pick me up from school for a change?”  “I want dancing lessons!”  “I need new shoes!”  “Can so and so come and play after school?” And on it goes.  And you just want to scream at them to stop winging and don’t they understand the stress you are under?  Well actually, no they don’t.  They are just kids and they really can’t see things from your point of view no matter how you try and tell them your side of things.  Even teenagers are only just coming out of that egocentric stage where everything revolves around them.  So try not to take it out on them, and remember, they have a lot to deal with too!  Schoolwork, homework, adult schedules telling them they have to go to this child care provider or that when they just want to go home and play Minecraft with their mates or play with their Christmas toys and finish off the Christmas sweets.  They don’t want to go back to the routine of things either.  so my next point may make a little more sense when I say…

4. Include the children in your list making, scheduling and discussions about what needs to be done, paid for, booked etc.  Don’t book them into a Childminder or hire a Nanny for your older school child just because you are for the younger ones.  Can they cope with after school clubs and then walking home alone now?  Could they schedule in some play dates as well as a Childminder (although don’t forget if you are paying a childminder for their time on a regular basis you will still have to pay them – they need to pay their bills too!)  Can your teenagers help you with chores – laundry or a little light housework?  I’m sure for pocket money they won’t mind being given some responsibilities.

5. Don’t forget to set aside time for family activities, a meal around the table together and to ask each other how things are going.

So there you are – maybe my little blog will make you laugh or highlight something you were thinking about.  I may be back soon but in the meantime – have fun trying to fit your tree in that tiny garden waste recycling bin and cleaning out the fridge – no you cannot make that turkey go any further, it most certainly needs to go in the bin now!

❤ Laura ❤